
San Bernardino, Ca

Site Requirements

This is a P3 site and USHPA mebership is required

Wind Direction

South West is preferred. Often the wind will be lined up West or even NorthWest until the end of the day when it lines up. Launching in South or South-East is better than West or North-West. Be careful of turbulence

Getting to Launch

Hike the trail or pay $6 for the ATV ride up to 650. All higher launch options are hike only

Launch Options

Training hill (100), 250', 500, 650 (main), 800 (main speed wing launch), 1000, 1200


The LZ runs slightly uphill from East to West and is approximately 60 yards wide and 400 yards long. Can be thermic. Approaching Pilots are NOT permitted to fly over clubhouse or shade structure. During the end of the day, if the winds have gone katabatic, you will find lots of turbulence across the road and in the wash. It is advised to stay near the hill while winds are blowing down and hook turn on final at a altitude you are comfortable with. Landing mid-day can often result in turbulence and dust devils are common. Maintain speed and avoid turns low to the ground.

Bailout Options

We can land at the college across the way if you cannot make it back but on both side of the park, private property makes landing out only in emergency situations. East of the site is Soboba Indian Reservation and West is the Scientology compound. Both are private property and we do NOT have permission to land there. Land there only in emergencies.

House Thermals

The house thermals are directly above the 650 and also another at the weather station between the 800 and the power lines. The southern end of the Power Lines can also be a great trigger.


There usually is rotor just behind the weather station (do NOT fly behind it unless you are above it) and if the winds are cross, avoid the power lines. Typically when winds are straight in, the power lines can be a great place to find smooth lift, but when it's cross they should be avoided. Avoid flying deep into the canyons (of which there are many) unless direction is straight in and you are high.